A friend from 2nd–5th grade, who I’ve kept in contact with a bit over the years through the blessing of Facebook, tagged me in this photo awhile ago. Oh my…what a fun little walk down memory lane! I can still remember some of these kids, and I wonder what they’re doing now. I remember doing “Dead Man’s Drop” on the monkey bars (my mom would’ve died!), and Mrs. Coyle was definitely one of my all-time favorite teachers. She was kind, she loved us, and we knew we were important to her. She even took the time to attend a piano adjudication I was performing in one Saturday and brought me the most beautiful flower that was from Hawaii. I can still remember what it looked like.
Looking back from a perspective of many years of experience and learning, what would I tell this little 7 year old girl? She was shy and quiet and dealing with going to another new school for the third year in a row. To be honest, she can still be quiet…She often likes to listen to people rather than talk, although her family and close friends would probably not call her “quiet.” She was trying to make new friends and learn how to fit in with this new group of peers. She was trying to find her place in her 2nd grade world which, at times, seemed overwhelming.
So…what would I tell her?
- Learn, learn, learn. From anything and everything.
- Always be curious.
- Hold to and continually nurture your faith.
- Speak up for yourself.
- Don’t try to fit in—you be you!
- Work towards those most important dreams you have for yourself—your top ones will come true!
- Likewise, don’t settle when it comes to choosing your husband. Wait, and be patient, and you will find an amazing guy who will treat you like a queen, be a hard worker, a spiritual giant, and the best dad to your kids and grandpa to your grandsons! (We’re still hoping to add a granddaughter to the mix).
- God has amazing things in store for you, so trust in His plan and don’t worry about the future (this little 7 year old girl was also a bit of a worrier).
- Your family is your #1 supporter, and they will stick by you through thick and thin.
- Even though you really don’t like practicing the piano, it will be a great source of strength and peace to you in the future, and it will allow you to serve others.
- Don’t worry so much about what others think.
- Even though your little sister drives you crazy, you will become the best of friends!
- Trust in the advice of those you love and trust most.
- Serve others as often as you can. Even, and especially when, it’s not convenient.
- Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. And no, you won’t be perfect the first time you try something, and that is okay! (This 55 year old girl is still trying to master this one!).
- Choose your friends wisely. They will be some of your greatest blessings!
- Be forgiving.
- When you have to do something that’s a bit scary, fake it until you make it. You got this!
- Enjoy the journey…all the seasons, stages, everything! Don’t wish for a particular season or stage to be over. Just enjoy it and learn from it.
- You will have trials in life, but they will serve to make you stronger and help you develop empathy for those who will experience similar trials.
- You CAN do hard things!
- You are MORE than good enough!
- Make time to regularly fill your bucket—emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually.
- Celebrate every single small win because those small wins, stacked on each other, will help you achieve amazing things!
- Don’t be afraid to say no because you won’t be able to please everyone. Say yes to what’s important, and don’t worry about the rest. Things always seem to work out for the best.
- Pursue your passions, even if they might not make sense. You will find that by following your passions you’ll be able to become who you want to become and use your passions to serve others as well.
- Dream, dream, dream. Then work to make those dreams come true.
- And many others which I could add to this list, but these are a great start!
I wouldn’t go back to being 7 years old again for anything because I’m really enjoying the stage of life I’m in right now!
Have you ever thought of the advice you’d give to your much younger self? What have you learned from your years of experience? It’s been kind of fun to think about!
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