Every Sunday morning, while I’m getting ready for church, I listen to a BYU-Idaho Devotional. These short talks really help me keep my focus off of the world that I live in 6 days a week and more on Sunday, which is my worship and “sharpen the saw” day. And I learn a lot from them too.
A few weeks ago, when I was looking at the Devotional website to choose the devotional I’d listen to, this one popped out at me. Like…seriously jumped off the screen.
Why did this one stand out to me? Perfectionism is something I’ve dealt with my whole life, and while I don’t think it’s something I obsess about, it’s definitely something I’ve been working to keep in its proper place and perspective. I had also been thinking about what my theme would be for 2019—the umbrella for the goals I’ll be working on, and after listening to this devotional several times, I got my answer:
My 2019 Theme:
Embracing Imperfection, Patiently Progressing Towards Perfection*
I wanted a bar necklace with my theme on it that I could wear to keep my theme front and center in my thoughts (and because I just like bar necklaces ;)), and my theme was way too long for any necklace. So I shortened it:
E • I • P • P • T • P*
And I think it turned out beautifully!
I ordered it from Etsy, just like I did last year’s theme necklace. I’ve found that keeping my yearly theme front and center—like on a necklace—really does help me remember what my focus is, and it’s a great conversation starter too. 😉
When I’m trying to learn more about something, I do a deep dive into what it means, so here’s my 2019 theme broken down into bite-sized definitions + some thoughts on what they mean to me:
Embracing: To seize eagerly; to comprehend; to take, clasp, or inclose in the arms in token of affection.
I don’t think I embrace my imperfections very well, and so that’s one thing I’m working on this year…to know that I’m working on getting better, to work to turn my weaknesses into strengths, and to give myself a break while doing so instead of beating myself up with those imperfections. Because really…no one is perfect, so why should I hold myself up to that impossible-to-reach standard?! It’s definitely all about a change in perspective.
Imperfection: Not finished, not complete.
Who is ever finished and complete? No one! And that’s okay. The important thing is to continually be working towards completion in whatever areas I’m working on and on the goals I have and to learn all I can along the way.
Patiently: With calm and constant diligence; without agitation, uneasiness, or discontent; without undue hast or eagerness.
This one is so hard for me. I want to become better, and I want do it NOW! But if everything I wanted happened immediately, I would miss out on the growth, learning, and experiences I go through on the path to becoming who I want to become.
Progressing: Moving or going forward; advancing.
It doesn’t really matter how fast I’m moving (there’s that patience thing again), but what does matter is that I am moving forward and getting a little bit better every single day.
Towards: In the direction to; with respect to; with ideal tendency to.
I need to keep moving forward, not get sidetracked and distracted by less important things, and when I do slip up, I need to get right back up, learn from that slip up, and move forward again. Over and over again.
Perfection: Finished, complete.
I like this definition way more than what I used to think perfection meant. Before, perfection seemed totally unattainable, but I’d often beat myself up for not being perfect in this or that. But to work towards being finished and complete feels more doable…*
*: The asterisk stands for Eventually: Coming or happening as a consequence or result of any thing; consequential.
I believe that no one, no matter how hard they try, will be perfect in this life. It’s just. not. possible. And that’s okay. There was only one perfect being who has or ever will walk the earth, and that was Jesus Christ. But I also believe that with the help of Christ, I can achieve my goals and become the person I want to be. And that’s totally doable!
So how will I tackle this year’s theme? Here are some of the resources I’ll be using, and I’m sure this list will grow!
Books—because I’m definitely a book nerd:
- The Gifts of Imperfection (Brene Brown) This is my first read for 2019. I’ve heard so many good things about this one, and I’m excited to dive into it!
- Finish (Jon Acuff) I’ll be reading and marking this one for the 3rd time—it’s that good, and I really want to get it!
- Girl, Wash Your Face (Rachel Hollis) I’ve already read the Kindle version twice, and now I’m moving to the hardback version so I can highlight it and mark it up.
- High Performance Habits (Brendon Burchard). This one has been recommended by several people I admire, so I’m excited to check it out!
- Atomic Habits (James Clear) I just finished this book for our Coaching group’s monthly read, and it was awesome! So much of this resonated with me, and I learned a lot too. I’m sure I’ll be referring back to my many highlights throughout the year.
- Daring Greatly (Brene Brown). Again,this one comes highly recommended.
- Plus others, I’m sure!
Videos: I’m sure I’ll be adding more to this list, and if you have some you love, please share!
- “The Power of Vulnerability” (Brene Brown)
- “Listening to Shame” (Brene Brown)
- “When Perfection Isn’t Good Enough” (Martin Antony)
- “The Space Between Self-Esteem and Self Compassion” (Kristen Neff)
Podcasts: I’m new to the podcast craze, but I’m really liking them so far. If you have any you love, please leave ‘em in a comment for me!
- Rise
- The Brendon Show
- And others I haven’t found yet
Start Today journal: I’ll actually be reading the introduction to my Start Today journal and doing the worksheets over the next few days. Gotta’ start the new year out right, right?! I’ve heard great things about the Start Today journal process, so I’m excited to put it into action in my own life.
The Book of Mormon: I’ll also do my yearly study of The Book of Mormon, and I’ll be focusing on what it teaches me about E • I • P • P • T • P*. I did this with last year’s theme, and I couldn’t believe what a difference it made in what I learned when I focused on one topic as I read. And Deseret Book just came out with journaling editions of The Book of Mormon, and when I saw this one ⬆️, I got all giddy and had to pre-order it right then! Watercolor flowers in these colors? Totally my thing. I so look forward to getting it in March. And I’m getting to practice being patient while I wait. 😉
Last year’s theme was “Becoming,” and I spent considerable sharpen the saw time learning how to become better. Becoming is not about checking off a to-do list—it’s not about doing. It’s about making those choices every day that turn what I do into who I become. It’s more permanent. It’s how I live my life. It’s my character. It’s who I am in my core no matter what’s going on around me. And I think “Becoming” goes hand-in-hand with this year’s theme. I’m working to embrace being imperfect while striving to become the best person I can be—with the help of Christ. Because I know I cannot do it on my own.
Do you have a yearly theme? If so, what is it? I’ve done yearly themes in past years, although not to the extent of last year’s theme, and I think it really helps keep me focused on my goals and who I want to become. If you haven’t tried it, give it a try!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything